- Ensuring your words are clear and consistent
- Polishing your language to native English standards
- Checking your document conforms to a specific style or format
I specialise in language editing, and have many years of experience working with multi-language authors. This includes editing long, high-profile reports for international agencies, ensuring that the text is clear, consistent and in line with the organisation’s house style. I also edit articles for authors from around the world who wish to submit their work to academic journals.
- Checking the grammar, spelling and punctuation in your writing
I proofread many types of non-fiction and academic material, from leaflets and websites to articles, reports and books.

“I’ve just been talking to the client [an EU agency], and I wanted to pass on their very positive feedback on the policy briefing and the report. The project managers were very complimentary about your work on both papers. Well done and thank you.”
Editorial manager, International Correspondents in Education