Photograph of a hand holding a small Christmas tree

An Editor’s Advent Calendar: 24 December

​Seasonal gifts for editorial freelancers

24 December: ​Six FREE gifts for freelance editors and proofreaders

To paraphrase the Grinch (who, you’ll remember, tried to steal Christmas), not everything about Christmas comes from a store. Here are six things that freelance editors and proofreaders appreciate that don’t cost money.1. Feedback (positive or negative)
It’s valuable to have feedback from a client on a job well done, or to have some suggestions for improvement. It only takes a few moments, but it can really help to make a freelancer feel that someone has actually noticed their work.

2. Thanks
Similarly, a quick ‘thank you’ from a client or a colleague acknowledges the effort that the freelancer has put in to meet a deadline, solve a problem, or give some helpful advice. Again, it doesn’t take long, but it’s sure to be appreciated.

3. Payment
Of course this costs money, but the speed at which an invoice is settled varies widely! Some clients go the extra mile to pay on time – or even before the required date – and that’s particularly pleasing for the freelancer.

4. Understanding
If freelancers are at home during the day, that’s probably because they’re working. Yes, freelancers might take a break to catch up with household chores, go shopping, or go out for lunch. But they really appreciate it when non-freelancing friends and family recognise that ‘being in the house’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘being available for a chat’ or ‘being available…’ for anything else apart from work.

5. Support
Many freelancers work alone, so they value the support they receive from colleagues. Sometimes that’s face to face, for example at an SfEP local group, but nowadays it’s just as likely to be online. The SfEP forums and the various Facebook groups for editors all create a sense of camaraderie and offer a place to air problems, share experiences and seek help, 24/7!

6. Friendship
As often happens in traditional workplaces, freelancing can lead to long-lasting friendships. Editors and proofreaders who’ve met through local networking, the SfEP conference, or online groups or forums sometimes discover that they have a great deal in common over and above their professional interests. It’s a very supportive profession, with fellow freelancers seen as colleagues rather than competitors, and even clients can become friends!

So whether or not your seasonal gifts have a price tag, I hope you enjoy Christmas, and I wish you all the best for 2018.